New Year, New _____



With the coming of a new year comes new resolves.



That’s a lot of expectations,
a lot of weighted hopes and promises.

I feel the weight of the past year,
clinging to my skin like a plastic wrap

Sticking in all the wrong places.

I feel the gaze of it
[[ the past year ]]
looking down on me from a darkened corner.

I can also,
feel the lightness of the new year.

Like an encouraging friend willing all the best for me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I want to believe 2019 when she tells me that it will be so grandly full of adventure, newfound success, and self transformation. I feel like she’s right. Why not me? Why not this year? Last year was one of the first, that I can remember, that I really followed through on goals, albeit small goals, that I had set at the start. I’m meeting 2019 as a slightly better version of myself than when I met 2018. Let’s not underestimate slight. For all of you ambitious folk, and I say that as one ambitious individual to another, let’s greet the new year with more of this incremental aspiration.

I feel the novelty of it
[[ the new year ]]

Coursing through my thoughts.

I feel the artistry of the new year
coloring my intentions with the warmth of a sun dappled path.

[[ Photograph of the wistful young women, as seen above, was taken at the beautiful Schloss Hellbrunn nestled in the woods just south of Salzburg, Austria. ]]